速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Tutorial Hijab Pasmina

Tutorial Hijab Pasmina





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Tutorial Hijab Pasmina(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the Hijab Pasmina Tutorial Application that gives you the latest hijab models. In this application there are some tutorial hijab pasmina which in use by artist.

With this application, you can try wearing the hijab with the help of the picture along with the steps. There are many ways you can use in this application. Hopefully you can wear your jilbab neatly and you will look more beautiful and fashionable.

The tutorial in this application is:

1. Latest hijab manner

2. Tutorial hijab paris scarf

3. Tutorial hijab paris rectangle

4. Tutorial hijab paris rectangular latest

Tutorial Hijab Pasmina(圖2)-速報App

5. Tutorial hijab paris simple

6. Latest paris hijab tutorial

7. Tutorial hijab pashmina ceruti

8. Tutorial hijab pashmina chiffon

9. Tutorial hijab pashmina t-shirts

10. Tutorial hijab pashmina flower motif

11. Tutorial hijab pashmina motif

Tutorial Hijab Pasmina(圖3)-速報App

12. Tutorial hijab pashmina shifon motif

13. Tutorial hijab pashmina chiffon

14. Tutorial hijab party paris

15. Tutorial hijab wedding party

16. Tutorial hijab shawl chiffon

17. The latest paris hijab tutorial

18. Tutorial of rabbit hijab romantic two One

Tutorial Hijab Pasmina(圖4)-速報App

All you can use to make you be smart in wearing the hijab

free download

Tutorial Hijab Pasmina(圖5)-速報App